European Project: DecisionShip Ahoy! - Description


DAhoyIMTA-2%20rsed2.pngDAhoy project is an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership
to support Innovation with a focus on VUCA situations and decision skills.

July 2021: A DAhoy course wins wins the Emerging Innovative Course Prize from IMT, a prize which rewards a project whose potential has seduced the jury "Train through experience in decision-making skills" VUCap or not Cap de take the plunge? " [video in French]. This award recognizes practices which bring undeniable progress from a pedagogical point of view, and which simultaneously required significant investments of time on the part of teachers. 22 projects presented, 7 projects shortlisted in 2021.

July 2020: final DAhoy conference, summary via Youtube DAhoy channel & full talks available here

Project name should be understood as “DecisionShip Ahoy!”, a reference to A. G. Bell, the Scottish-born scientist who patented the first telephone and originally suggested 'Ahoy' as the standard greeting when answering a call.


The nature and dynamics of change creates unpredictability in the European and international societies. The recent 2020 COVID-19 (corona virus) crisis will change the future of work and students employability and careers. This global VUCA crisis recalls the profound need of enhanced decision making skills, as categorized by the DAhoy project.

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Decision is not only about knowledge, it is also about skills. Whether they are to act as experts in Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths (STEM) or other fields, future Decision Makers should also be specifically prepared to making decisions in VUCA environments. This is the responsibility of HE and VET institutions: training future graduates, through a transversal skills approach, in Decisionship, so that they are able to turn knowledge into skills, and provide the best professional answer when faced with VUCA circumstances.

DAhoy project purpose investigated innovative educational ideas around Decision Making for VUCA situations, with a view to reinforcing Decision Making skills for renewed and rejuvenated integrative educational programmes in Higher Education (HE) and Vocational Education & Training (VET), under VUCA circumstances;
The project is grounded on an understanding of the perceptions of students and includes shared examples of innovative teaching and learning activities. The decision-making skills as analysed are based on three dimensions: math, social and career. A major outcome of the project is seven skill statements, i.e. learners should be capable of:
  • D1 Recognise and qualify the VUCAlity of situations,
  • D2 Analyse VUCA situations,
  • D3 Make a judgement in VUCA situations,
  • D4 Face complexity of VUCA situations,
  • D5 Organise and implement actions in VUCA situations,
  • D6 Take responsibilities in the decision process in VUCA situations, and
  • D7 Learn from experience of VUCA situations.
Dahoy VUCA 

Through an exchanges of best practices and conceptualisation, DAhoy:

  • shared and confronted HE educational innovations, practices and methods, in light of professional needs,
  • catalysed the engagement of learners with innovative courses, integrated in existing but evolving programmes, through novel educational initiatives,
  • developed and disseminated tools for assessment of such skills, via the learning outcomes approach, and
  • assessed their quality and achievements.

DAhoy exploited and now complements prior EU and national project results (H2020, Erasmus+ KA2, or French-like ANR) to create inclusive, active and experiential pedagogies for better Decision Making skills in VUCA situations, so as to render education systems more accessible and attractive.

DAhoy defined and evaluated several innovative Teaching and Learning activities in  VUCA situations. It integrated them in an educational framework at a systemic level, in line with the Bologna processes and quality assurance purposes, as ENQA and EQAVET recommendations for accreditation and quality enhancement. It outputs 3 guides, a Youtube channel with 8 vids, more than 15 publications and conference presentations, which include:

          1. a taxonomy of Decision skills requirements and unified learning outcomes syllabus;

          2. innovative models and kits for Decision skill VUCA training, transferable in many educational fields;

          3. a D-SKILLS Framework, continuously integrative for programmes renewal in HE and VET education.

Dahoy D-Skills